Volunteer with Springs
Springs is a wonderful fellowship that meets together on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
Springs is a fellowship group for adults with learning disabilities from across Bath and the wider area. Building friendships by sharing news over a cuppa, worshipping (often using Makaton signing) and learning more about God’s great love for us – often through drama or other creative activities. A special time at the end of each evening is when we pray with one another. End of term treats like meals out, the Christmas social, or BBQs are always popular! Plus we also enjoy attending other social events together – whether this is the Life Project Curry Night each November or the St Philip and St James Church Pantomime in January.
We are looking for 2 or 3 new volunteers to join our team to help facilitate the Springs Fellowship. The most important thing for us if that our volunteers are able and willing to build positive and healthy relationship with our members, each of whom have learning disabilities.
It is very much a team effort with volunteers helping to provide transport to/ from Springs for some of our members, helping with refreshments, supporting members with a craft or simple drama’s, or getting involved with prayer, worship and accessible teaching.
The best way to find out about Springs is to come and visit to see what we do and meet our Springs community, without any commitment to then get involved (though we suspect that once you visit once, you will want to return again and again).
To find out more, arrange to chat or visit Springs please get in touch springs@lifeprojectbath.org.uk /