Tuesday’s at the Barn
As usual, we have enjoyed some lovely walks together around the village, noticing the changes in nature around us as we move from winter to Spring. We are also happy to have had a lovely young woman join our Tuesday group, so we now have our full complement of 8 makers on a Tuesday.

This theme has helped us think about the benefits and challenges of working together, how we each have something really valuable to contribute, and the importance of supporting and encouraging each other though our words as well as our attitudes and actions. It has been an encouragement to us all, and we’ve had fun exploring different ways we can work together and share in the jobs that need doing.

We have:
- Cooked meals together, encouraged by Sarah to try new recipes (chocolate avocado cake for Jenny’s birthday was definitely a first!) and practiced sharing more in putting out the tables and chairs, laying the table for lunch and cleaning it after.
- Built a new bug hotel for the allotment, at Esme’s request, working together to design, build and decorate a unique new structure out of palettes and recycled wood. We hope the bugs will enjoy it.
- Worked on an artwork together, with makers having fun with Jieun painting some beautiful, very colourful self-portraits, cleverly shaped as pieces of a jigsaw, which will all fit together as a picture of the Makers in the Barn – a wonderful visual picture of how we all work and fit together.
- Danced together, with Jieun helping us learn a barn dance in preparation for the Life Project Mexican Fiesta Barn Dance, and then after half term even doing some line dancing. Our lovely volunteer Dee even accompanied us on the fiddle.
- And finally, we are about to work together to make some Easter gardens.