Thank You Elizabeth and Kay
For the past few years Elizabeth and Kay have voluntarily led our team of volunteers for our Springs Fellowship.
If you ask Elizabeth she will say that she wouldn’t have been able to do it without Kay, and Kay will tell you it was Elizabeth who did most of the work. We know that they have worked together a co-facilitators supporting the volunteers, organising rotas, developing themes, coming up with craft ideas, engaging members, challenging us all to think outside of the box and take steps of faith, praying for guidance, praying for members, praying for growth, praying for one another, praying, praying, praying.
Elizabeth is stepping back completely from Springs for at least a term to take a well earned break and focus on other important aspects of her life. Kay is stepping down from leadership but will continue to be involved with Springs (plus our Day Services and serving as a Trustee).
We know that both Elizabeth and Kay have poured their hearts and souls into Springs – giving far more than anyone expects or envisaged. They both have huge hearts and their passion and love for not only supporting but advocating for people with learning disabilities to access, engage and lead worship has shone through. God has been first and foremost in the minds of both Elizabeth and Kay and they are enables Springs to grow – numerically but more importantly in the depth of relationships and faith of members and volunteers.
All at the Life Project are deeply grateful to Elizabeth and Kay and we know that when Father God says, “well done my good and faithful servant” this is a word of encouragement and blessing to Elizabeth and Kay.
We pray that as Elizabeth and Kay change their roles they will find blessing in the rest and other activities that will fill the time they have giving to Springs.