Seasons at the Barn
We’ve had another wonderful term in our Day Services, spending the majority of our time at the Old Acorn Barn as the weather in winter doesn’t make for the best time at the Allotment without a shelter (look out for news on how we hope to address this).
Our theme for the term has been the seasons and some sessions it has certainly felt like we’ve experienced four seasons in one day. We’ve enjoyed experiencing the transition from winter to spring, getting outside for walks around the village where we’ve seen the daffodils and other spring flowers bringing colour to the landscape. We love to see the wildlife and enjoyed a friendly robin on one walk. At the Barn we have begun to do a little weeding and preparation of the small beds we have there and potting up pansies.

As always the kitchen has been a hive of activity with lots of delicious food prepared and shared together as we enjoy our daily lunches. At the beginning of the term the kitchen was reorganised and a few new gadgets were purchased which has made a huge different in making the most of the small space that we have.
Arts and crafts have focussed on the seasons, with collages, drawing and much more filling the art room with much creativity and artistic expression. It has been the drama this term that has brought much joy. In January St Philip and St James’ Drama Group presented a family Pantomime of Cinderella, with the opening night proceeds being shared between the NICU at RUH and the Life Project (Bath). It was a wonderful pantomime and many of the Life Project family and friends had a fabulous evening when they went to watch. This led to our Makers working on their own version of the pantomime, enjoying taking on different roles and acting out the story at in the Barn. As Easter approached we turned our attention the events leading up to Easter, with Makers rehearsing and telling the story of Jesus’ persecution, death and resurrection.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved, for all the positive relationships we have amongst staff, Makers, volunteers, families, visitors and the local village.
Happy Easter!