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Prayer Points Summer 2024

For those who pray for the Life Project here are a few prayer pointers to help you focus your prayers:

  • Give thanks for everyone who has been involved in recent fundraising for the Life Project, we are hugely grateful to everyone who chooses to support the Life Project in this way. Pray especially for our trustee Paul and his two brothers cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats.
  • Give that’s for a wonderful term in our Day Services as Makers experienced a world tour from the safety of the Old Acorn Barn, and for Springs who have recently explored the “I Am” sayings of Jesus.
  • Pray for the summer activities taking place during July and August, especially the musical theatre workshop organised by Jieun. We pray that everything runs smoothly and the change of routine is manageable for all involved.
  • Pray for the trustees as they reflect on a recent HR Review and consider how to take forward the recommendations to strengthen the Life Project.
  • Give thanks for a recent successful funding application, the first from the new Resources Team. Thank you to all involved in the application we are excited about how this will be used to development the allotment and prepare for increasing the number of sessions we offer.
  • Give thanks for all the staff and volunteers and pray that they would enjoy time with their families and are able to rest as they take annual leave during the summer.

We also have a Prayer WhatsApp group in which members and friends share prayer needs and requests. If you would be interested in joining the group please check the details to find out more –