Imaginative and Creative Springs

Following the busyness and excitement at Springs during the Christmas season, when we recorded ‘The Blessing’ worship song, led a service in a care home, welcomed Sarah Couchman on a visit, and enjoyed a Christmas party, the new year has been comparatively quiet and gentle. However, worship at Springs is rarely quiet – the joy, enthusiasm, and love for God in the group shines through during our lively times of worship, especially when everyone is accompanying with instruments. It’s always a joyful sound unto the Lord and is often deeply moving. Faith and Jess always lead us so brilliantly in worship, and the keyboard kindly lent to us by ‘All Saints’, is an added blessing.
A highlight in January was going to the pantomime together to see Jack and the Beanstalk at St Philip’s Church. Attending the opening night now seems to be a Life Project tradition. We ‘raised the roof’ with laughter and eager participation, it was such fun. Apparently, the cast greatly appreciates our enthusiasm! Thank you, Sarah M-H for organising it, and well done St Philips drama group. Can’t wait for next year!
This term SPRINGS have been studying the ‘I AM’ proclamations of Christ. It was a real learning curve for us all as we drew closer to Jesus and delved into the different ways He describes Himself.

We have had some amazing input from our Springs members and volunteers, including a young lad (Filippos, 14) who is volunteering as part of his Duke of Edinburgh award. On his first evening, Josh C was asked to describe Springs. He gave an impassioned description saying: ‘it’s a fellowship group for people with learning disabilities who can’t find what they are looking for in church’. Well done, Josh! Most, but not all Springs members are members of churches. We’re so glad to be a support to local churches enabling people with learning disabilities to explore faith and journey together within the context of a fellowship group. Springs regularly has up to 18 members attending, some of whom have discovered faith for the first time.

Our wonderful members help volunteers lead the Springs sessions in imaginative and creative ways. This term they’ve provided great props, run craft sessions, told jokes, chosen inspiring worship songs, taught and learnt Makaton signs, asked great questions and provided even better answers, prayed for each other, enjoyed their drinks and snacks and willingly helped set up and clear away!
We always look forward to gathering together and will be continuing our ‘I am’ theme up to Easter, when we will conclude this term with Jesus’s words ‘I am the resurrection and the life’.
If you’d like to visit Springs, please do contact us. We’re very keen to welcome local church leaders especially. Please do come and see inclusive fellowship in full swing, in a very special way with very special people.
If you are interested visiting, please contact Elizabeth and Kay at the following email address:
We are truly indebted to all our volunteers and members, without whom Springs could not operate.
You’re all amazing, thank you.
May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Easter!
With love from all at Springs