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Humbled by Giving

We want to say a huge thank you to every one who has been involved with fundraising for the Life Project (Bath) recently. It has been such an encouraging month or two and we are extremely grateful.

Cotswold Way Ultra Challenge

On 22nd June, Matt, along with a group of friends took part in the Cotswold Way Ultra Challenge… that’s 100km in under 24 hours. Each team member had chosen a different charity and we are grateful to Matt who chose the Life Project. The training was tough but the day itself was tougher.

Matt says “That was the most horrendous challenge ever. Don’t know how we got through it but we did. All done in 24 hours. My legs ache and my feet are very sore but it’s over. At 40km one of the team was nearly sick on one of the many steep hills. Another team member nearly quit at 53 km, and I was shivering and went as white as a sheep at 78km. But we stuck with is and have no idea how we got through 78km to 100km during the night… it’s great to look back on now, but I’m not sure I would do another one!”

A huge congratulations to Matt and the others for completing the challenge and for raising a £731 for the Life Project!


Inclusive Swimathon

One of our trustees (Kay) and our Day Services Coordinator (Esme) initiated our first inclusive Swimathon with Makers and students who are part of the Kingswood School’s Social Justice team. We are hugely grateful to Mrs Lopez from Kingswood school as she was instrumental at helping set this up and to the students who have been getting to know the Life Project – including visits to the Allotment and Barn as well as inviting Makers to the School for a cream tea. It is through these relationships that the idea for a Swimathon came about and it was very much a joint initiative with Life Project Maker and Kingswood Students participating as equals.
The first inclusive Swimathon event took place on 26th June at the swimming pool in Kingswood school.  Staff, volunteers, makers, parents and members of the SJT all took part in one capacity or another, either swimming or waving banners and supporting.  Together the Makers and Students swam over 380 lengths.  The star of the show was Siobhan who swam 48 lengths on her own! Together the students and Makers raised £504 – so a great result and fun was had by all.  We finished off the day with cake and juice and a promise to return next year with Kingswood’s new Social Justice Team and hope to make this an annual event.
A big thank you to everyone involved!

Lounge Aid

Throughout the month of June Velo Lounge, a local café/bar in Moorland Road, Bath chose The Life Project (Bath) as their selected charity for Lounge Aid – The Lounges annual fundraising initiative.

During the month there was a Raffle, Jewellery Making Workshops, Charity Walk, Quiz Night, Live Music, Face Painting and more taking place at the Velo Lounge. We were also welcomed on a few occasions – taking over the upstairs at Velo Lounge with our Springs group and dropping in for a drink after some hard work at the allotment.

The total raised throughout Lounge Aid in June was £674.18.

It has been great getting to know the staff and made to feel incredibly welcome, we have discussed how we might continue to work together with suggestions of a potential gardening group and hosting future events.

A huge thank you to the Velo Lounge Staff, especially Julia who has been our main contact and leading the organisation of all this.



If all this wasn’t enough one of our trustees, Paul, is cycling with his brothers from Lands End to John O’Groats (aka LeJoG or End to End) at the end of July. They haven’t chosen the shortest or most direct route, choosing rather to follow the 1189 mile Sustrans route via greenways, cycle paths and country roads, running on the National Cycle Network for over three-quarters of its length.

At the time of writing they have made it to Scotland! Please do support this terrific challenge, you can donate on Paul’s LocalGiving page.