Life Project Membership
Accountability of our governance structure and constitution is important to us as an organisation. We invite those who wish to play a greater part in holding the charity to account to join as Members.
The Role of Members
Membership means that you have a say in how the Life Project runs its business and develops strategically. To do this a Member has a vote at any general meeting (this would be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any other general meeting for Members during the year). At the AGM Members:
- Appoint (or re-appoint) trustees
- Receive the Annual report and Accounts
- Appoint auditors
- Discuss any issues of policy or strategy that are brought forward by Trustees
Member Meetings
All our Trustees are Members. Members who are not members of the Board of Trustees are invited to meet together to hear about the current activities and challenges of the Life Project, and to engage with representatives of the Board throughout the year. The Trustees are keen to involve members, to ensure effective decision making – improving communication between decision makers and those impacted by any decisions.
Becoming a Member
Members will already be actively supporting the Life Project and want to be more active in seeing it flourish. This may be through taking part in our groups, praying for our work or supporting us financially. Members must also be able to sign up to our Statement of Belief which is an integral part of our constitution.
The Company Secretary oversees the list of Members and this will be reviewed every three years, though individuals can end their membership at any time. Applications will be assessed by the Company Secretary and two other current Members.
Further Information
You should be able to find most of the information you require about membership and our governance on the page of our website including:
If there is further information you require please do get in touch.