Corporate Engagement

We love to work in partnership with others, whether that’s a local school, church group, or business.

It might be linked to your own values and desire to get involved with volunteering, providing expertise pro bono, gifting to a specific project or raising money. Of course we are happy recipients but we love it most when we find ways to build genuine partnerships.

Examples include:

  • All Saints Church Weston providing a venue for our AGM and supporting us as a Mission Partner.
  • Community Matters drawing our name out of the hat and supporting us through their shop for a whole year.
  • Good Gym Bath painting our workshop.
  • Kingswood School students have visiting our Day Services, inviting us to partner with them planting at the school, and organising a joint swimathon with our Makers and their students together.
  • Lucis Choir supporting our Barn Dance and Mexican Fiesta and generously sharing the retiring offering from their Christmas concert with us.
  • Manvers Street Baptist Church allowing us to freely use their community cafĂ© for social or fundraising events, including our annual curry night.
  • Monkton School selling second-hand uniform to raise money and groups of students visiting to clear weeds and cut back overgrowth.
  • Party Snail Games donating a portion of their profits from games sold.
  • Stone Group supplying us with a new shed and greenhouse
  • Velo Lounge holding special events and fundraising during Lounge Aid & Christmas Lounge Aid and also hosting us for various celebrations.

Do you own a local business? Or is your employer looking for ways of meeting its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy? Are you part of a church or school group?

We would love for you to get involved with our work and to see how we can develop a partnership. We are happy to discuss how we can support one another.

If you would like to take up this opportunity please contact to discuss ways of getting involved