Blessings at Springs
This season our theme has been ‘blessings’ and ‘the real meaning of Christmas’ (when the greatest blessing of all came to Earth!)
We talked about all the blessings in our own lives and moved on to thinking about how we at Springs could bless others. Everyone’s ideas were amazing, so full of generosity, creativity, love, and kindness.
Sometimes we have good reason to be downhearted and it is so easy to be inward looking – but not Springs – on 17th November, after much preparation, half of the group went to Rush Hill Care Home to bless the elderly residents there. It was a wonderful occasion, the room was packed, with 24 residents and 5 staff in attendance. We sang Christmas carols, shared with those present what the real meaning of Christmas is to Springs, we made Christmas cards for each floor of the Home. Robert preached an encouraging Word, Uriel sang a solo and our members sang some well known carols together with our new-found friends. The finale was a filmed version of The Blessing sung and signed by our members and volunteers! (Treat yourselves and listen by clicking here)
As there was not enough space for everyone at the Care Home the others were invited to the Cricket Club where a big surprise awaited them. The lovely Sarah Couchman was there to lead them once again in a Springs session. It was wonderful to have her among us again!
Other highlights this season included one of our members Sarah making and selling her lovely crafts at Life Project Curry evening. She raised £30 for The Life Project. Well done and thank you Sarah.
Also, following a visit to Springs by Philippa and Duncan Nash earlier in the year 10 members of Springs (3 for the first time) and 5 volunteers (3 for the first time) chose to go to Lourdes on holiday together in September. It was a wonderful time, full of joy, deepening friendships, spiritual encouragement, fun, and new experiences.

We ended this year with our traditional Christmas party. We enjoyed eating together, pulling crackers, entertainment by members who performed little sketches, Christmas bingo, praise and worship singing carols and reflecting upon Jesus’s birth. ‘Love came down at Christmas‘. It certainly did and He’s always at the centre of everything we do at Springs! We truly thank God for each other and our times together.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year from all at ‘Springs ’