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I Am…

At Springs this term we chose to cover the “I am” statements of Jesus.  We have been steadily working through these and they have produced some incredible reflections and statements by many of our members. Members were asked to choose their favourite worship songs and lead a session, ably assisted by a volunteer.  They have produced some incredible art and craft work and some serious and genuine reflection has ensued.

We are particularly grateful to Paul Bright (Trustee) who has visited us on several occasions and has recently stepped in at the last minute to lead worship on the keyboard.

We were really blessed by Velo Lounge and had a wonderful time when, for one week only, we moved from our usual venue at the Weston Hub and took over the upstairs at Velo Lounge. We had a very warm welcome and thoroughly enjoyed taking Springs on the road! We are excited that some of us will be visiting Elim Church soon to take part in a service there – and we would love any opportunity to get involved with your church or church group.


As always there was a feast as we celebrated the advent of summer and a break for us. Although our original plans were rained off our spirits were not dampened and we enjoyed a time of worship and prayer, a wonderful meal, games, and of course karaoke.