Bath Half Thank You
We had two runners in the Bath Half on Sunday 17th March and we want to say a huge THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS! It is always so humbling when people take on a challenge to support our work and the Bath Half is no easy feat! Monica and Jerry we are really proud of you for running around Bath and pleased that the weather seemed to behave for you. We hope that you despite the aching legs you enjoyed yourselves and could relax afterwards.
We know running is not everyone’s cup of tea and we love it when people choose to take on challenges and sponsored events for us. If you would like to fulfil that life’s ambition of completing a challenge… like running Bath Half then get in touch and we’d love to support you as you support us.
If you would like to sponsor our Bath Half runners there is still time and you can do so on the following links…
Jerry –…/jerrycurd-runs-thebathhalf…/
Monica –…/monicabathhalflifeproject/
… at the time of writing they had collectively raised more than £2,250 and rising!
THANK YOU Jerry and Monica!